These courses are useful to all, but their design is especially adapted to situations where control and detainment of individuals is important. They are exceptionally suited to violent patient management, having been used in detention centres, youth apprehension, home and group care and other settings.
The On Guard system of training courses was originally designed and developed by Kevin Blok, a psychology professor, Aikido master instructor, police defensive tactics teacher and security consultant.
Courses can be sculpted, adjusted and combined to create custom training regimens to meet the unique needs of our clients.
Non-Physical Intervention and Leadership Courses
Non Physical Crisis Intervention Program (NPCI)
Course Duration: One Day (6-8 Hours)
An intensive course of non-violent conflict control including an assessment of present capabilities and skills, anatomy of personal conflict, non-violent communication, interpreting body language and physical cues, metamessages, and controlling verbal exchanges. It also covers matching, building rapport and empathy, self control and centering, peaceful resolutions to conflict (deflect, diffuse, and neutralize an attack), dealing with fear and anger, remaining detached, team approaches, keeping safe and out of court, tactical positioning, patterns of movement and self protection strategies. A graduate certification diploma is provided after the successful completion of the course.
Non-Physical Crisis Intervention – PLUS (NPCI+)
Course Duration: One to Two Days (8-10 hours)
In this hybrid course, key aspects of our basic Non-Physical Crisis Intervention program are merged with basic elements of our Benevolent Control and Violent Person Management program. The particular design of this course is exceptionally suited for healthcare providers and has been extremely useful in hospitals, psychiatric facilities, detention centers, home care nursing, group homes and various other settings. This course is focused on re-establishing harmony and peace by controlling a situation without adding violence, while keeping all parties safe. Concepts covered include the mental process, assessing present skills, components of effective communication, controlling verbal exchanges, body language, threat cues, paraverbal messaging, the do’s and don’ts of effective verbal intervention, staying detached, patterns of movement, basic self protection strategies, escapes, breakaways releases and more. The On Guard system of training courses were originally designed and developed by Kevin Blok, a psychology professor, Aikido master instructor, police defensive tactics teacher and security consultant. All instruction is by highly trained, internationally certified professionals with extensive experience. Classes are taught personally by chief instructor Kevin Blok and his assistants.
Motivation, Information Retention and Instructional Technique Program
Course Duration: One Day (8 hours)
This course is an in-depth and comprehensive look at the latest and most effective methods for motivating oneself and others and for retaining information. It focuses on the psychological and mental processes that produce the best results when either instructing or learning new information. The course includes how to absorb like a sponge not a rock, making new information your own, basic learning theory, the kiss principle, Hick’s law and the inverted “u” principle, how stress and distress affect learning and information retention, Chunking, the 5 R’s of learning, active listening and effective communication, truly constructive criticism, the sandwich technique, using empathy and priorization, Knowledge versus wisdom, building rapport, being prepared, realistic expectations, enthusiasm, encouragement and empowerment, commitment to excellence and more. A graduate certification diploma is provided after the successful completion of the course.
Control and Defensive Tactics Training Programs
Benevolent Control and Violent Person Management Program (BCVPM)
Course Duration: Two Days (16 hours)
Benevolent Control is a simple but extremely effective system of techniques and strategies for violence intervention, prevention and control. It has been designed with self protection as a primary component but is unique from other self defense based studies in that there is a strong element of controlling others without injury to them. These “benevolent” techniques use no punching or kicking, nor do they require a great amount of physical strength. Defense and control are achieved by employing pressure points, joint immobilizations, takedowns, come-along holds and pins with a minimum of force. All techniques are structured to be easily learned, yet effective under real life circumstances. There is a strong focus on using only the amount of force necessary to control the situation, while keeping the safety of everyone involved as a paramount component. The potential for situational control is greatly enhanced when the techniques of this course are used in conjunction with On Guard’s most popular course – Non-Physical Crisis Intervention. A graduate certification diploma is provided after the successful completion of the course.
Basic Control and Defensive Tactics Program
Course Duration: Two Days (16 hours)
This is a comprehensive training course covering a variety of topics including practical self defense techniques, use of force continuum, aligning skills for greater effectiveness, hold reversals, blocks, checks, pressure point controls, stuns, basic edged weapon defense, tactical handcuffing, and more with a strong focus on control of others for arrest and/or detainment. A graduate certification diploma is provided after successful completion of the course.
Basic Control and Defensive Tactics Instructor Program
Course Duration: Three Days (20-25 hours and basic CDT course)
This is a detailed course of study including expanded self protection, crisis intervention, situational control, use of force continuum, a wide spectrum of non-lethal force control (escorts, takedowns pins, pressure points, blocks, checks, evasions, stuns, and more), search/frisking, edged weapon defense, basic weapon disarming and retention, tactical handcuff use without physical injury and more. This is combined with a strong focus on how to train others and improve their skills. Instructor certification is provided after the successful completion of both written and practical exams. The basic CDT course is a pre-requisite for this course.
Advanced Control and Defensive Tactics Instructor Program
Course Duration: Two Days (16 hours and basic instructor program)
This is an intensive course with content that includes further defense and control applications, instructional styles, approaches and deliveries, comprehensive situational analysis, weapons use and disarming, speed handcuffing, administering a training program and more. Advanced instructor certification is provided after successful completion of both written and practical exams.
Edged Weapon Defense and Control Program
Course Duration: One Day ( 8 Hours)
This is a comprehensive course that focuses on defense and control of all kinds of edged weapons and includes General theory of defense and control (psychological mindset), avoidance and defensive strategies, reactionary gap, basic and simple patterns of movement, lines of attack, stunning techniques, disarming, pinning and control techniques, dealing with the spontaneous attack, using their energy and movements to your advantage and more. A graduate certification diploma is provided after the successful completion of the course.
Ground Defensive Tactics Program
Course Duration: One Day ( 8 Hours )
This course is designed to teach individuals to avoid being taken to the ground, effectively protect and defend themselves if they do end up on the ground and safely escape from the ground back to a standing position as soon as possible. By using specific body positions, patterns of movement, secure falling strategies, blocks, stuns, locks and control techniques, individuals will be taught how to stay safe, defend from and control a standing subject, as well as a subject on top of the individual on the ground. A graduate certification diploma is provided after the successful completion of the course.
Baton Defense and Control Program
Course Duration: One Day ( 8 Hours )
This is an in-depth course of study of both rigid and expandable batons including a general theory of defense and control, appropriate use of force, baton types, nomenclature and definitions, reactionary gap, stances, grips and methods of carry, basic patterns of movement, draws and blocks, targeting, counterstrikes and stuns, setting up control, pinning and disarming techniques, locks, holds and come-alongs, transition to handcuffing, transport control, baton retention, care and maintenance of the baton and more. A graduate certification diploma is provided after the successful completion of the course.
Conflict Avoidance and Escape Programs
Basic Conflict Avoidance and Escape Program
One to Two Days (8-16 hours)
In addition, On Guard offers courses for the average person looking for simple but effective self defense strategies and techniques. Everyone can benefit from skills that help keep them and their loved ones safe.All instruction is by highly trained, internationally certified professionals with extensive experience.
Classes are taught personally by chief instructor Kevin Blok and his assistants. Instructional options vary from the one class introductory or one day comprehensive workshops for the general public to specific certification programs for the serious professional. There are also basic and advanced instructor programs available or a program can be designed to meet the particular needs and budgets of our clients. Instruction can be at your site or at our high quality training facility in Windsor, Ontario.