These courses are useful to all, but their design is especially adapted to situations where control and detainment of individuals is important. They are exceptionally suited to violent patient management, having been used in detention centres, youth apprehension, home and group care and other settings.
The On Guard system of training courses was originally designed and developed by Kevin Blok, a psychology professor, Aikido master instructor, police defensive tactics teacher and security consultant.
Courses can be sculpted, adjusted and combined to create custom training regimens to meet the unique needs of our clients
[accordion] [accordion_content title=”Non-physical Crisis Intervention”] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In tempus blandit tortor in feugiat. Nullam velit enim, sollicitudin tempus ante non, eleifend lobortis est. Ut sit amet ligula tellus. Nulla consequat, nibh sit amet lacinia tincidunt, felis elit vulputate eros, quis vestibulum velit orci non est. Nam ac leo id sapien tempus mollis in faucibus tellus. Donec in sapien dapibus, iaculis ante vel, ullamcorper sapien. Suspendisse suscipit ante hendrerit suscipit lacinia. [/accordion_content] [/accordion]