Tactical Defense and Self Protection Seminar

September 20, 2015 @ 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Aikido Canada
1089 Tecumseh Road East
Windsor, ON N8W 1B3
Taking donations at the door. All proceeds to benefit Rose City Athletic Organization.
James Zedd

Never be caught off guard!

Statistics show that 1 in 3 women will be a victim of violent behaviour in their lifetime. This can happen at work, on the street or even in your home.

Moreover, anyone working in security or law enforcement will have a violent encounter at some point in their career.

Are you prepared?

On Guard International is hosting a no-cost tactical defense and self protection seminar.

This self protection seminar will teach you a number of proven strategies to protect yourself in a dangerous situation.

Subjects include:

– the top 25 ways to avoid physical conflicts
– escaping common grabs and holds
– using pressure points to escape an attack
– safety tips when traveling or when alone, plus much more

There is no cost for this seminar, but donations will be taken at the door. All donations will go directly towards supporting the Rose City Athletic Organization, a non-profit charity that helps children and youths stay active.

All ages are welcome at this seminar. Class size is limited to 30 people, so please pre-register with James Zedd.

Hope to see you on the mat for a day of learning and training, with a few laughs in between!



Contact: James Zedd
Telephone: 1.519.890.4355
Email: chudokan.dojo(at)gmail.com

Contact: Emili Naumoski
Email: Emili.Naumoski(at)yahoo.ca