1089 Tecumseh Rd E
Windsor, ON N8W 1B3
Never be caught off guard!
Statistics show that 1 in 3 women will be a victim of violent behaviour in their lifetime. This can happen at work, on the street or even in your home. Moreover, anyone working in security or law enforcement will have a violent encounter at some point in their career.
Are you prepared?
On Guard International is hosting a 4-hour tactical defense and self protection seminar on May 15, 2016. This seminar is for anyone interested in learning how they can defend themselves quickly and effectively from a violent attack, and get away safely.
The strategies in this seminar were originally designed and developed for the elite Japanese riot police and Imperial Guard. They have been successfully used by officers of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, U.S. military, hospital security and private investigators.
Subjects that will be covered at this seminar include:
– the top 25 ways to avoid physical conflicts
– escaping common grabs and holds
– using pressure points to escape an attack
– safety tips when traveling or when alone
– basic ground defensive tactics
– strategies for defending against a knife attack
– advanced escapes from bear hugs, chokes and other life-threatening attacks
– how to present yourself as an “alpha” to avoid a violent encounter
– plus much more
Cost for this event is $50 per person. The first five people to register will be offered a 30% discount for taking action immediately.
All ages are welcome at this seminar. Class size is limited to the first 20 people who pre-register with us online.
If you have any questions, please contact James Zedd by any method below.
Contact: James Zedd
Telephone: 1.519.890.4355
Email: chudokan.dojo(at)gmail.com